Gun Violence Is One of The Leading Causes of Death Among Young People in Etobicoke
We believe that social connection, positive role models, and opportunities to empower individuals through music and community belonging can make a significant difference. Harlow Sounds Studios is pleased to announce that it will be launching a 100% volunteer led, local "Guitars Not Guns" initiative targeting youths aged 18-24 to help prevent gun violence in Etobicoke North community.
Guitars Not Guns is not a new idea. The idea was originally founded by Ray Nelson in the United States where it continues to expand. There is a national Guitars Not Guns Canada organization. Our aim is to work with Guitars Not Guns Canada charity and serve as a Etobicoke based chapter. Guitars Not Guns was fou
Guitars Not Guns is not a new idea. The idea was originally founded by Ray Nelson in the United States where it continues to expand. There is a national Guitars Not Guns Canada organization. Our aim is to work with Guitars Not Guns Canada charity and serve as a Etobicoke based chapter. Guitars Not Guns was fou